The 411 on Epoxy Flooring

The 411 on Epoxy Flooring

We love epoxy flooring and we think you will too! So what exactly is Epoxy Flooring? Epoxy is a plastic paint, adhesive or a material made from synthetic thermosetting polymers containing epoxide groups. Basically, these floors are based on using a combination of...
DIY: Paint Spill on Carpet

DIY: Paint Spill on Carpet

Painting can be so much fun, but can quickly turn disastrous. How many times have you taken on a painting project and accidentally knocked over the paint bucket or clumsily dropped your paintbrush? You probably saw what happened next unfold in slow motion. There was...
DIY: Removing Candle Wax from Carpet

DIY: Removing Candle Wax from Carpet

It’s Saturday night and you were trying to make your homemade dinner a little more romantic by lighting some candles. Or you were simply trying to relax by lighting a scented candle after a hard day’s work. Or maybe it was a birthday and the wax on the bday candles...
Terrazzo Maintenance: How to Keep Your Floors Clean

Terrazzo Maintenance: How to Keep Your Floors Clean

A special floor like terrazzo requires special attention. There are certain measures that can be taken to make sure your floor stays clean. Particular cleaning rituals can be done at specific time tables to protect terrazzo floors from becoming dirty or ruined. Here’s...